I'm Eleora.

The official version of myself is that I am a psychologist who helps people work through difficult periods of their life.

The unofficial version of myself is that this past year was full of loss and personal pain. To say I was at a low point in my life would be an understatement. 

And yet, it was also a year of incredible beauty. Because through the struggle and loss of everything I had ever known—through my walk in the darkness—I found light. 

I began to see how much I had taken for granted (everything). How fragile life is. How fleeting our moments with our loved ones truly are, how everything can change in an instant. And I'm now filled with gratitude everyday. 

By turning toward my pain and learning to embrace it, I unexpectedly discovered a greater joy and wholeness. And I found meaning and purpose.

This passion is what drives my writing. Through it, I wish to write books that give rise to greater wisdom and hope.

In my recent work, I write about loss and difficult relationship and life transitions, mindfulness, emotions and moods, and what we can do to live healthier, fuller lives rich with meaning. Check out my book, Grieving the Loss of a Love: How to Embrace Grief to Find True Hope and Healing After a Divorce, Breakup, or Death. I would love for you to read it, to see if it helps in your journey.

Thank you for reading!